Connection ideas
Find your Random Act of Connection
The power of micro connections
Do you feel uplifted when you exchange a smile with a stranger in the street? How about making small talk about the weather with the person behind the till at your local shop because it feels natural and like a nice thing to do.
You might not know these people very well or even know their names, but research shows these moments of connection can significantly affect our happiness and sense of belonging. For Loneliness Awareness Week, we're encouraging everyone to increase those simple, everyday moments of connection!
Pick a Random Act of Connection to try
Smile at a passerby and brighten their day
Host a street party
Support a local business by leaving a glowing review
Make uninterrupted time for your loved ones
Talk to someone new on a dog walk
Join a parent's meet-up locally
Bake a cake for a neighbour
Host a dinner party, games night or movie night
Chat to someone new at the school gates
Join a local Facebook group and start a conversation
Chat to someone in a queue
Ask your barista how their day is going
Give someone a sincere compliment
Call a friend to catch up
Thank someone you feel grateful for and explain why
Send a message to someone to let them know you’re thinking of them
- Share what you’re feeling with someone you trust
Show an active interest by asking questions when talking to others
Get back in touch with an old friend you’ve not seen for a while
Find a hobby group to join
Share a favourite memory or experience from your friendship with someone
Introduce yourself to a neighbour you haven’t met yet
Share something that makes you feel connected
Sign up to volunteer at a local charity
Have lunch with a new colleague
Become a penpal and make global connections
Find a group that’s meeting online, such as an online book club
Connect on a neighborhood chat site
Talk to the person you are sitting next to on public transport
Join a local Parkrun and chat to someone new
Offer support and connection to the elderly in local care homes
Working from home? Try exploring a co-working space to connect and meet others
Ask for introductions. If you have a couple of friends or acquaintances who have a larger circle of friends, ask them to introduce you to new people
Offer to carpool or commute with coworkers or neighbours
Join a community choir or singing group
Volunteer to coach or assist with youth sports teams
Offer to tutor or mentor students in your community
Leave a positive comment on someone's social media post
Find a tutor to teach you an instrument
Got an idea?
Our team would love to hear your Random Acts of Connection ideas! We may share your tip with our supporters on social media, so leave your name blank if you'd prefer to stay anonymous!
Send us a video!
Our team are busy putting together some of your fantastic Random Acts of Connection ideas into a video to share with our community.
If you'd like to be involved, watch the demonstration video. You can find the consent form here. Please note, we can't use your video unless the form is completed. Thank you!
Send your video via WhatsApp to: 07566 244788 and choose HD mode, or email info@marmaladetrust.org
Learn about loneliness
Loneliness is a normal human emotion. By building our understanding, we can help ourselves and others manage the feeling.

Our comprehensive guide covers everything from the definition of loneliness to who experiences it and its long-term effects.